Went down to see my head on Thursday, the guys at Birkenhead Engines say it needs 2 new seats pressing in and 4 new valves, plus all the grind-work. The valve-seats on the exhaust side are pretty gouged, so I opted for the replacement head for £225 after all so I could get stuck in to the job this weekend. It's from an X6 apparently, the engine-code sticker says M57NTUE2, so it's from a twin-turbo of some sort and less than 5 years old, which is nice. It bolted straight on and, although it has definitely had a skim done, the bloke assured me it would take a 1-hole gasket.
£200 for the head and £25 to have my glow-plugs / sensors switched over and to have one of my cam-caps machines to match this head as one had gone missing. I gave them all 14 of my cam-caps and they found the best match before checking my original camshafts were aligned. Birkenhead Engines FTW. |
M57NTUE2 means its a 'Twin-Power' engine model and was built since 2009. |
Skimmed face was apparently done 'very lightly' so as not to hit the Stellite valve-seats and still takes a 1-hole head-gasket I am thoroughly assured. |
Hi great job. Could you please tell me what year is your e60? It's 218bhp or 231bhp? You said is OK to fit newer cylinder head coded tue2 to yours older engine right? I have 530d 231 and timing chain gone. Need new cylinder head. (Exactly which you found from x6 i have damadged in my engine) Already found but it's older I think from 218bhp but guy from spares parts said it's OK because all cylinder heads from m57 family are same. Is that right?
ReplyDeletePlease just tell me yes or not on my email if possible